Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Steps To Follow If You're In An Auto Accident - Technology of Power ...

Sadly , if you drive an auto on a constant basis the percentages are good that at some point you will be involved in an accident. When the time comes, following one or two easy steps can help in keeping the accident scene as safe as possible, and will help to make sure that the at fault party assumes responsibility. Take a minute or two to jot down these steps and keep the info in your glove box. Many times when an individual is caught up in the emotion of being in an accident feelings can run really high, and it?s not difficult to forget to follow the correct procedures.

* the very first thing to do if you are bound up in an accident is to stop your automobile and pull off the road if feasible.

* Check to see whether any one is hurt. If so call 911.

* Call the police and report the accident. Be suspicious of anyone that does not want the police involved. Call the police!

* If the autos cannot be driven put out flares or cones to redirect traffic round the accident.

* Once the accident scene is safe exchange info including, name, address, and telephone numbers of all drivers and witnesses. Driver?s license numbers and license plate numbers. Insurance firm data. Year, make, and model of automobiles concerned.

* Make some notes about the accident including precise time and location, weather and road conditions.

* Ask witnesses to pen a short statement of what they saw.

* Don?t debate what occurred with anyone but the police.

* When the police arrive give them your full cooperation. Get the officer?s badge number and ask for a copy of the accident report.

* Call your insurer and report the accident as quickly as possible.

Being involved in an accident can be a gut wrenching experience. Knowing what to do beforehand can assist in making a difficult situation a bit easier to address.

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By Vic Shallow

Sadly , if you drive an auto on a constant basis the percentages are good that at some point you will be involved in an accident. When the time comes, following one or two easy steps can help in keeping the accident scene as safe as possible, and will help to make sure that the at fault party assumes responsibility. Take a minute or two to jot down these steps and keep the info in your glove box. Many times when an individual is caught up in the emotion of being in an accident feelings can run really high, and it?s not difficult to forget to follow the correct procedures.

* the very first thing to do if you are bound up in an accident is to stop your automobile and pull off the road if feasible.

* Check to see whether any one is hurt. If so call 911.

* Call the police and report the accident. Be suspicious of anyone that does not want the police involved. Call the police!

* If the autos cannot be driven put out flares or cones to redirect traffic round the accident.

* Once the accident scene is safe exchange info including, name, address, and telephone numbers of all drivers and witnesses. Driver?s license numbers and license plate numbers. Insurance firm data. Year, make, and model of automobiles concerned.

* Make some notes about the accident including precise time and location, weather and road conditions.

* Ask witnesses to pen a short statement of what they saw.

* Don?t debate what occurred with anyone but the police.

* When the police arrive give them your full cooperation. Get the officer?s badge number and ask for a copy of the accident report.

* Call your insurer and report the accident as quickly as possible.

Being involved in an accident can be a gut wrenching experience. Knowing what to do beforehand can assist in making a difficult situation a bit easier to address.

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Published at Sooper Articles http://www.sooperarticles.com

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Vic Shallow has published 9 articles. Article submitted on Tuesday 26th January 2010. Word count: 307

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Source: http://www.thesolarpowerstation.info/2011/10/steps-to-follow-if-youre-in-an-auto-accident/

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